This time we were invited as guests to NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte.

We were excited about the idea about going to Mangalore for a DreamSpark Yatra. This event was so hyped up, we decided to make our presence there.


We started on the 3rd April night and we were there on the afternoon of the 4th April. The climate was boiling hot and it was so irritating.


This event was organized by Karthik and Shreyas, MSPs of NMAM institute of Technology, Nitte on 5th April 2010. We had more than 900 students with a mixture of MCA, Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical from various years

The other chief guests were

Dr. N.R. Shetty, President, ISTE

Mr. Rohit Bhat, CEO Robosoft

Mr. Naren Koduvatt, MD, i-point



The guests were felicitated by the college Principal and HOD Computer Science.

They had planned for a full day technical event with a little bit of fun.


We started with the regular Microsoft Academic Initiative which included Microsoft Student Partner Program, CBEUG - Coimbatore User Group and Dreamsparkyatra.

Immediately after that we had a session by me on Robotics Studio. This time it was on the latest Robotics studio 2008 R2. A demo of a simple programming in robot was shown.


The afternoon was a mixture of sometechii, nontechii and fun stuff. We had a very cool and interactive session by Abhishek Suresh on Kodu and Powerpoint 2010. He explained the various latest features of it. Then we had the usual Tech GyaanMasala. As this session was a Hit in all the other events, we made it mandatory.


Students were very keen throughout this session and were amazed by the cool features.


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